Wednesday 2 August 2006

Standing and smiling

When we arrived several weeks ago one of the most poignant and touching stories was of Edward. A child of about 7 years his deformed and narled body seemed more like that of a 70 year old. The story was that Edward has TB of the bones and probably HIV, that his father was dying of AIDs at home sleeping on the floor adn that his stepmother was not caring for him. I spoke to the Mildmay Clinic - specialising in working with people who are HIV +ve and who run a free hospice for children who are dying from AIDS. They agreed to take him and give hime end of life care if we got him tested and if his test was +ve and that was what it seemed he needed. So i arranged for him to be tested and we awaited the outcome.

Yesterday a small smiling, upright child greeted me by touching me on the arm and saying "Mama Liz" (thats my name here) I have been to the clinic I have TB." he was transformed - I told him I knew his test was negative and we hugged. His obvious joy and relief that he didnt have HIV was a delight - he was no longer stooping and dragging himself along, but more upright and so happy!! Pastor Steven was as amazed as I was at the transformation, we cannot do much to help his TB but we seem to have given him back his hope for a future and therefore his life! i have never seen such an amazing change - Praise God!! 10,000 shilllings was all it cost (3 pounds) for a test that brought such good news and gives a small child hope for the future.

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