Monday 26 October 2009

Metaphoric weather

We have been having a difficult few days with a number of challenges that have left us feeling quite despondent. Sunday came. A grey morning which turned into the most almighty storm, with thunder and lightening through which we made our way to KPC a church held in a former cinema. It was as though the rain was a metaphor for how we felt as we arrived along with 2000 other people and joined the 3rd of 4 services held yesterday morning. After some VERY VERY LOUD praise & worship the speaker a pastor from London (rather ironic we thought)spent 45 mins expounding the first verse of Ps 46 - God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble. Dealing with frustration being the subject, twas brilliant,it was just what we needed and spoke right into our situation and as we left the building the sun shone brightly!
So there you go, there is always sunshine after the rain and the storms that trouble us although they are threatening and loud pass over.

1 comment:

Suzy H. said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated xxxx