Sunday 1 April 2007

A new baby & sportswear

We arrived safely despite the catering supplies lorry crashing into our plane in Amsterdam. The pilot declared the plane unsafe to fly and we had to wait four hours for a replacement. Finally arrived in Entebbe at 1:00am their time. Quiet day relaxing and recovering yesterday then out to Lungujja to see Pastor Steven & Gladys. We were greeted by a welcoming committee consisting largely of the family of one of my ladies from last year - I was to meet her new baby named after me (Ah!) Baby Susan was gorgeous. Another of the ladies, Stella, is now house mother to the excited 30 children who are living in the boarding house and who rushed to hold our hands and tell us about their new home. The school now has more classrooms but it was dark so the official tour must wait till tuesday - it was all very exciting to see how things have developed and changed.

Today i went to the Palm Sunday service int he cathedral on the hill behind where we are staying. Unfortunately I missed the English language service so during the sermon mussed on how strange it felt to be the only white person in a packed cathedral and then on the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem. Then came communion and which seemed to take a similar pattern to what I am used to so I just said the prayers and creed in English whilst they spoke in their own language.

This afternoon we have been out to Nansana Royal Primary school for a celebration of their new sportswear supplied by The Kabanda Trust.... what excitment - they had gathered 100 ish parents, hired a sound system and put up a tent for everybodyto sit under. We all had to tour thje school and inspect the calf, the 400 chickens, new computer and admire the newly painted classrooms. Then after much singing, drama, speeches (including one from yours truly - completly unplanned)all the children paraded round the school several times in their new kit! they were very smart and it is easy underestimate the importance of such things when they rarely have anything new.....

It is incredibly hot here at the moment and so we returned to the guest house where we are staying feeling warn out, but with a warm glow inside having seen such enthusiam !!

By the way, I met up with Edward last night - he is looking so well and his English is much improved.... he told me he was very happy in the boarding house and feeling well. (see last years blogs)

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