Saturday 29 July 2006


You may know that in April Gordon and I went to Chicago to an arts and health conference. at the confence i went ot a workshop sponsored by the WHO about a project which is trying to address the issues effecting maternal mortality . In sub-saharan africa 1 in 15 women die in childbirth, in the uk this figure is probably less than 1 per 2000 births. (guestimate) In Uganda last year 6000 women died giving birth. the project called ubuamama is encouraging women to talk together share their stories and together to try and address some of the local issues which effect this dreadful statistic.

So, i have brought ubumama to uganda. In lungujja Pastor Steven allowed me to speak at all the church services and to encourage women to come.... i reminded them of psalm 139 where we are told that God knows us when we are formed in our mothers wombs and so as well as each child being important, so are mothers. Genisis 3 v 16 tells us that God told women that childbirth would be painful but not that they would die.... and so we began.....on Thursday and Friday afternoon over 30 women with their children came and together we shared our stories of childbirth. From our stories we have designed and are now creating individual embroideries which celebrate the birth of our children..... a real arts for health workshop!!! I provided the materials and the wonderful women who it is a privilige to work with are sharing their stories. It is one of the most moving things i have ever done.... it is unusual for women to talk in the way they are beginging to and so we are coaxing their stories out of them, some of them so sad and difficult it is hard not to be moved. In the short term we may not be able to find solutions but my long term hope and prayer for these dear sisters is that they may continue to meet to sew, share and trust each other with both their difficult issues and their celebrations. One woman is expecting a baby any day, her 6th, so please pray for her safety and that of her child.... I will update you when we know.

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